

Computer Science & Engineering

With the globalization of Indian Economy, vast opportunities of growth have been thrown open for the computer software and hardware industry. Software being one of the largest growing sectors of the Indian economy, the department of Computer Science Engineering at theGuru Nanak Dev Polytechnic has been at the forefront of churning out Software Engineers with a high caliber of technical expertise. Besides imparting theoretical knowledge, a lot of stress is laid on hands-on training and overall development of the individual’s personality.There are two fundamental paradigms in science and engineering about two decades ago – physical experimentation and mathematical analysis. Today, computer based simulation and visualization has emerged as third one. Computers are most powerful tools to access information. Department of computer science and engineering was started in 1996 with an intake of 30 students. The course curriculum is comprehensive and aims to provide sound theoretical concepts. The course curricula have been designed mainly to focus on the following thrust areas: – Computer Network,Databases,Software Systems,Embedded Systems Duration of the course is of three years and Examinations are conducted by Punjab State of Technical Board, Chandigarh.


Career Advancement

The students passing the diploma in Computer Science Engineering can further enhance their career academically as shown below:
- Direct Admission to 2nd year B.E (Computer Sc.& Engg & IT)

Job Opportunities

The students passing Diploma in Computer Science Engineering can work in various fields i.e. Telecom ( Like Airtel, Reliance, BSNL, HFCL, IDEA , etc ), Software Companies ( ICS, Infosys, Wipro, Quarks, Dell, Trident, etc ), BPO Industry , Advertising Companies & Defence Services etc.

Computer Science Engineering Labs

Civil Engineering

It is the oldest branch of engineering discipline in Guru Nanak Dey Polytechnic College , Ludhiana established in the year 1956. Department of civil engineering offers a broad based diploma programme in civil engineering to matriculate students. The course curriculum is comprehensive and designed properly to provide a sound background to the students in all the areas related to civil engineering field through practical training camps , site visits , theory classes , project work and lab practicals. As a result of immense hardwork of qualified , experienced and committed faculty members since last five decades , the department has acquired position of eminence in the whole of northern India. With the construction boom and the numerous building projects being taken by Indian and multinational companies in the country , the job prospects for civil engineers have grown tremendously in the last quarter of decade. The government is spending millions on infrastructure development for the comfort and safety of its people. This amount is going to multiply many folds in the near future because of various projects in hand of government as well as due to private players also coming in the fray . Civil Engineering is considered to be the ‘ mother of all discipline’. Job of a civil engineer is to co-ordinate a construction project and to integrate activities not only in the areas of design , planning and execution but other important fields like survey , soil testing , quality control, engineering safety, project planning , construction and maintenance of highways , bridges and dam construction etc. The job also involve a considerable amount of filed research and supervision often outdoors under all kinds of weather conditions.


Career Opportunities

Civil Engineering Labs

Electronics & Comm. Engineering

Technical Institutes plays a vital role in moulding the character and shaping the personality of the youth and exactly the same has been done by Guru Nanak Dey Polytechnic College , Ludhiana.Electronics and Communication Engg . Diploma was started in the year 1996 and now this department is approaching sky-scrapping heights of glory and success and it has made remarkable progress. This department stands as an epitome of excellence with the glorious tradition of achievements in almost all spheres .


The vision of the ECE Department is to become a nationally and internationally leading institution of higher learning, building upon the culture and the values of universal science and contemporary education, and a center of research and education generating the knowledge and the technologies which lay the groundwork in shaping the future in the fields of electronics and communication engineering.


The mission of the ECE Department is to provide education for those students who are able to compete internationally, able to produce creative solutions to the society’s needs, conscious to the universal moral values, adherent to the professional ethical code, and to generate and disseminate knowledge and technologies essential to the local and global needs in the field of electronics and communication engineering. To produce capable engineers who should be able to maintain potential and develop talents to become responsible citizens of the country and contribute in the nation development process.

Career Advancement

The students passing the diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering can further enhance their career academically as shown below Direct Admission to 2nd year B.E (Electronics & Communication Engg.)

Electronics & Comm. Engineering Labs

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engg. Deptt. Embodies very Sincere Towards the building up of excellent career for diploma holders in the field of Electrical Engg.It is a basic and conventional course of Engg which is being offered since 1956 in this institute. The deptt. Not only provides exemplary training to its own students but practical training is also provided to other Engg. Institute near by regions.The of the firm opinion that once the students have understood the basic concepts of different subjects thoroughly and have received proper practical training in the laboratories, they are well set to be placed in any organization of reput as an electrical Engg.

The deptt is well equipped with various laboratories.It has highly qualified and experienced staff .Presently,the intake to the programme is of 60 students.Duration of the course is of three years,each year is comprised of two semesters and at the end of each semester,examinations are conducted by Punjab State board of Technical Education,Chandigarh. A 6 week practical training is provided to the students of Electrical Engg Department in leading companies and organization after the end of fourth semester.


Career Advancement

Electrical Engineering Labs

Automobile Engineering

Automobile Sector is one of the growing sector in India. Automobile industry is the largest manufacturing industry of the world. Automobile is no more a luxury , it has become a necessity for our population. It is playing a big role in national economy and employment sector. There are many career options like research, design, production, marketing, repair and maintenance, after-sales services of vehicles are very wide areas for employment of diploma holders in the field of automobile Engg. To cop up with the demand of skilled manpower and young engineers of automobile industry, our department offers 3 years diploma in Automobile Engineering and one year Post Diploma in Automobile Engineering.


Career Advancement

Job Opportunities

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is the core engineering discipline which is most sought after branch by the students. The department of mechanical engg in Guru Nanak Dev Polytechnic college has been recognized for its high quality education over the last five decades.The branch is concerned with designed manufactured , installation and operation of engines and machine , manufacturing processes,industrial setups.We strives to crates an environment in the deptt.which is conducive to sincere studies as well as for the development of overall personality of the young students by inculcating in them ,the healthy habits,ethical values ,cultural outlook & co-operative spirit,so that after completion of their course they not only become good technocrats but also good citizens.Possessing a high degree of integrity and sincerity and being in a position to contribute to the society and carve a niche for themselves for a successful and bright professional career ,bringing good name to the department and institutes are some of its main vision planks.

The course aims at developing practical & theoretical knowledge in different subjects of mechanical engineering discipline and also basics of other subjects like Electrical Engg ,electronics Engg.,computer Applications etc. So as to enable the students to cope up with the latest trends of computerization and mechantronic environment. Besides academic inputs,the development of dignity of labor,safety at work stations,spirit of teamwork,quality consciousness and positive attitude are other missions of the deptt.


Career Advancement

Mechanical Engineering Labs



S. Gurmit Singh, L ME

Officiating Incharge Workshop

B.E. Mech. Engg.

Date Joined

Appointment Type:

S. Gurmeet Singh

Workshop Instructor

B E Mech. Engg.

Date Joined

Appointment Type:

S. Surjeet Singh

Workshop Instructor

Diploma in Mech. Engg.

Date Joined

Appointment Type:
Contract Basis

S. Sukhwinder Singh

Workshop Instructor

I.T.I. Mechanist

Date Joined

Appointment Type:
Contract Basis

S. Jagmail Singh

Workshop Instructor

Diploma in Elect. Engg., I.T.I. Electronics

Date Joined

Appointment Type:
Contract Basis

S. Sandeep Singh

Workshop Instructor

M. Tech Production Engg., B. Tech

Date Joined

Appointment Type:
Contract Basis

S. Prabhgundeep Singh


B.E. Mechanical Engg, MBA HR

Date Joined

Appointment Type:
Contract under SFS


Workshop Instructor

I.T.I. Electrical

Date Joined

Appointment Type:
Contract Basis


Workshop Instructor


Date Joined

Appointment Type:

Contact Info
  • GNDPC Gill Park,Gill Road, Ludhiana 141006 Punjab
  • 0161-2490654,+91 9815600649
For GND ITI Course Enquiry
  • 9914540633, 8872130002