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Our Staff

Ms. Suman Bala (Assistant Librarian)

Ms. Suman Bala

(Assistant Librarian)

Ms. Suman Bala has been serving this college as the Assistant Librarian since 2014. She has been performing her job well. She is always there to assist the students and staff to provide information regarding any book.

Qualifications: M.A. English, M.Lib. & Inf. Sc.

Date Joined: 28 July, 2014

About Our Library

Progress in this information age depends largely on frontline knowledge/information gained by educationists, technologies, engineers and scientists and library plays a key role in dissemination of information. The flood of literaure, shirinking resources, escalation of prices has made it impossible to get all information at individual level. So, at this Library comes to the rescue to its users.

The library is an ideal place to enjoy the delight of perusing and for exploring. These days, administrators furnish finish help and direction with exploring and exploring information.The College has a well-stocked Library catering to the needs of students as well as members of the faculity. It has a working area of around 4580 sq. ft. Total number of books in Library is about 15490. There are 21 Periodicals (Journals), Internation (2), National (19). There are 19 Magazines (6 Technical, 13 Non-Technical) and 7 Daily Newspapers received regularly. The Library has Internet and Multimedia Facility. It also has a separate Reading Hall.

The Library is having various sections:

  • Reference Section
  • Text-Book Section
  • Book-Bank Section
  • Circulatin Section
  • Newspaper Section
  • Journal & Magazines Section

Library Timings: 8:30 A.M to 1:00 P.M and 2:00 P.M to 4:00 P.M

Book Details

Total Books
Sr.No. Total No. of Books Total
1Engg. & Tech. Books15490
2Basic Sc. & Engg. Sc.13207
3Books on Comm. Skills Mgt. & Standard General Reading2282
Total Books Department Wise
Sr.No. Branch Total Books Titles
3Mech. & Auto3081198
6App. Sc.220196
7Gen. Books & Literature10511051
8Ref. Books1275332

Details of Newspaper
Sr.No. Name of Newspaper Language
1The TribuneEnglish
2Indian ExpressEnglish
3Hindustan TimesEnglish
6Punjabi TimesPunjabi
7Danik JagranHindi
Details of Technical Magazines
Sr.No. Name of Technical Magazines
3Over Drive
4Electronic for U
5Down to Earth
6Employment News

Details of Non-Technical Magazines
Sr.No. Name of Non-Technical Magazines
1Junior Science Refreher
2Competition Sucess Review
5G.K Today
6Sport Star
8Mulazam Lehar
9Pratiyogita Darpan
10Sada Vishwash Sada Gorev
11Bahumatwi Kerthi
13Cosmic faith
Details of Journals
Sr.No. Name of Journals
2Structure Engineering
3Electrical & Electronics Engg.
4Information Technology
5Computer Science
6Mechanical Engg.
8Indian Safety Choronicle
9International Jr. of Industrial Production Engg. & Technology
10National Research Jr. of Mechanical Engg. & Technology
11National Research Jr. of Electrical Engg.
12National Research Jr. of Electronics & Communication Engg.
13Research & Review in Power Energy System Control Engg.
14National Research Jr. of Advance Civil Engg.
15National Research Jr. of Advance Structural System Engg.
16 Internaltional Jr. of Mobile Computing & Applications
17National Research Jr. of Computer Network Technology
18National Research Jr. of Pure & Applied Physics & its Application
19National Research Jr. of Applied Civil Engg.
20 Indian Jr. of Technical Education

Rules & Regulations for Library

Library Hours

Library Hours are fixed by the Principal from time to time.

Library Use

The Library is primarily intended for the staff and students of the College. Others can use the Library only with the special permission of the Principal.

Access to Books

The readers have free access to books and periodicals which are on the open shelves. Text Books and disserations can be consulted in the assigned area only.

Library Service

Members are free to seek the assistance of Library staff in selecting reading material, checking of reference, searching misplaced reading material, compilation bibliographies and new acquisition etc.
Members are free to recommend new books and journals for the Library and to suggest improvement in Library and its services


Only Library members can enjoy the privilege of borrowing books. The students of the college can enroll themselves as members by filing a prescribed application form and aggreeing to abide by the rules. Borrower cards given to registered members are strictly non-transferable and are renewed every semester. A lost borrower's card found should be immediately deposited in Library. Failure to comply, or its misuse can lead to cancellation of membership.
Periodicals are not issued for home use. Certain categories of material, particularly reference books and damaged books are also not ordinarily issued for home use.
The books borrowed by members are not to sublet. The books are not to be retained beyond the due dates. An overcharge of ₹2 per book per day (except holidays falling on due dates) is levied on the books retained beyond beyond due date.
Books and other library materials are not to be marked or damaged. Before getting the book issued, any manipuation marking should be pointed out immediately by the member of the counter in-charge and his initials be obtained otherwise the member will be responsible for any mutilation discovered afterwards.

Borrowing Privilege for Members

The number of books that may be borrowed and the time period for various categories of the members will be as follows:
Category Time Period No. Of Books
Post-Diploma Students 14 days 02
Diploma Students 14 days 02
1st & 2nd Year
(All Branches)
14 days 02
Final Year Students
(All Branches)
14 days 02

Loss of Books

In case of damage or loss of book, the members shall be required to replace the book or pay the cost of the book (Accoring to Accession Register) and 50% extra.

Loss of Membership Card

Loss of Reader's Ticket(s) should be immediately reported to the librarian. A new library card will be issued on payment of ₹50 per ticket.

No Dues Certificate

A "No Dues Certificate" is given to the borrower when he/she wishes to terminate the membership of the Library. The certificate can be obtained from the Library after surrending the membership ticket and clearing the dues.

Contact Info
  • GNDPC Gill Park,Gill Road, Ludhiana 141006 Punjab
  • 0161-2490654,+91 9815600649
For GND ITI Course Enquiry
  • 9914540633, 8872130002